CIGAL software

* CIGAL is a high-level programming language designed for imaging, graphics, and real-time control.
* Uses simple user-defined text files for stimulus specifications
* Stimuli can be JPEG or PNG images, sound, or video files
* Runs on Windows.

Cortmap fMRI software

* Cortmap is a suite of files for clinical fMRI mapping of cortical function.
* Tasks are defined by simple CIGAL command text files
* Stimuli are JPEG images, WAV audio files, or MP4 video files

Downloadable files:

This software is provided "as is", with no guarantees or promises of support.

README.txt (Read this first) (~300Mb)

Note: click on once to download. If nothing seems to happen check your 'downloads' folder to see if a file is downloading. Clicking multiple times may start multiple downloads.

Brain Image Analysis Center Duke University